What about recruitment Selection

The appointment of suitable persons on various jobs is very essential. The selection of a wrong candidate will mean loss of time and money which have been incurred on this process. It also leads to absenteeism and retrenchment. This calls for a properly planned recruitment and selection process.
After the receipt of appropriate number of applications through various sources of recruitment selection process starts. It is concerned with securing relevant information about the applicants. The purpose of selection process is to determine whether a candidate is suitable for employment in the organisation or not. All persons who have applied may not be suitable. Moreover, the number of applicants will be much more than the positions vacant. It becomes all the more important to scrutinise applications properly so that those who are found unsuitable at first instance should not be called for tests or interviews. This will save time and money of the enterprise as well as the candidates.
Meaning and Definition
To select means to choose. Selection is the process of picking up individuals with requisite qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organisation.
According to Dale Yoder “Selection is the process innwhich candidates for employment are divided into twonClasses-those who are to be offered employment and thosenwho are not”
According to Thomas Stone “Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in a job”
Thus, the selection process is a tool in the hands of management to differentiate between the qualified and unqualified applicants by applying various techniques such as interviews, tests etc. In this sense, it is a negative process of employment in which only a few who qualify for job are offered employment and others are denied the opportunities. A sound selection policy ensures the selection of suitable candidates.
Distinction between Selection and Recruitment
Although selection and recruitment are closely re-
lated with each other, yet there are a few fundamental distinctions between these two which are listed as follows:
1 Selection is the negative process because it rejects a large number of applicants while recruitment is a positive process because it invites applications
2.Recruitment involves identification source of manpower while selection involves choice of best out of those recruited.
3.Recruitment technically precedes selection. Without recruitment, process of selection is not possible.
4.Recruitment means searching whereas selection means comparison.