department managment

The Principles of Personnel Policies

Personal Policy is based on certain principles so that all employees can be treated equally, equal opportunities of growth can be provided to all and labor organizations can be given proper recognition. Normally personnel policies have the following principles –

1. Principle of general welfare – while formulating
the personnel policy the manager should keep general benefits in mind and not the benefits of some particular employee. It should be explained to the employees that their benefit lies in the general welfare.

2. Principle of growth while formulating the
personnel policy it should be kept in mind that maximum an employee gets all possible chances of growth i.e. of learning, training, promotion etc..

3. The principle of share in management – In relation to personnel policy it should be kept in mind that employees. are given proper share in the management so that while formulating the policy their suggestions can be used to solve their problems and later change in the personnel policies suggested by them should not be opposed.

4. The principle of recognition of labor unions – it is an important principle in a relation to formulation of personnel policy because the neglect shown by the higher authorities can later give rise to many problems. The personnel policy should give proper importance to labor unions and should benevolently accept their functions, responsibilities and rights.

5. The principle of change – it is necessary that the functions of an industrial venture should change in future according to the time and conditions. Thus while formulating the policy these possible changes should also be kept in mind and this policy should be sufficiently flexible.

6. The principle of personal recognition – the
personal policy should keep in mind the proper recognition and appreciation about the employees’ personal task, responsibility and cooperation so that they can be motivated to give maximum possible cooperation in fulfilling the aims of the institution.

The Contents or Composition of Personnel Policies

Keith and Goberllini have divide the contents of
personnel policies In the following three parts-

1. The aim of personnel policy – first of all the
aim of a personnel policy should be made very clear. Theses aims should be clearly explained in the form of general policesnso that all concerned people get detailed information to the intentions to be adopted towards the employees. Without making the aims clear no solid steps can be taken about thebappointments, promotion, retrenchment, training, growth andnother tasks related to the employees. Thus, personnel aims and intentions of the management should be explained inndetail in the form of content of the personnel policy.

2.Personnel procedures and techniques
personnel procedures and techniques should be clearly explained in personal policies. These procedures andntechniques can be about employee appointments, promotion, growth, training, wage payment, employee evaluation.

3.Determination of responsibilities of
personnel management – Personnel policies become important when the responsibility of their implementation is handed over to a responsible officer. In its absence personnel policies have no importance. This responsibility lies mainly with higher management which are then transferred to the lower officers

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