department managment

The Elements in the Contents of Personnel Policies

Normally in the personnel policies of any big
establishment the following heads are included

1.The name, address, business of the company and its brief history.

2.The organizational structure of the company’s

3.The procedures and policies to be followed in
appointment, training, promotion etc. of the

5.Redressal of grievances – the procedure for redressal of grievance i.e. the procedure to be adopted in thencase of redressal of grievances if any.

6.Description of employees’ welfare activities –
education, recreation, medical, health, financial aids, protection by law etc.

7.Analysis of combined counseling procedure.
Analysis of discipline and communication procedure.

It is clear that those heads are included in the contents of personnel policies which are absolutely necessary for smooth running of the personnel activities of the organization.

The Classification of Personnel Policies

The personnel policies can be classified on the
following basis. Here we present a few categories of these policies –

The work conditions – working hours, facilities, leave, job security, retirement etc.

1.Policies according to managerial level –

a.General Company policies

(b)Administrative policies

(c)Operational policies

(d)Functional policies.

These policies are related to the various departments of the company. For example accountancy. engineering etc. or these are related to employees’ services.

2.Classification based on subject when policies are classifies as per the subject they can be related to policy formation, security, motivation, grievances, health or recreation.

3.On the basis of designing policies – such policies can be either formal or informal

4.Policies that can be written or unwritten.

5.According to the classification given by Scott
policies can be primary or secondary.

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