Human resource Managment

Role of a Personnel Manager

The role of a personnel manager depends on the day to day functions of organisation. It may be discussed in brief as follows-

1. As an expert-Human resource manager is an expert. He advices the heads of different departments such as planning, recruitment, selection and training. He should earnntheir confidence and goodwill.

2. Controller-The human resource manager is es-
sential for controlling the process. He should ensure that all policies and procedures are followed properly.

3. Source of information-The human resource manager should provide valuable information about labour law and other areas. Such information is necessary for the formulation of policies and procedures.

Thus, the human resource manager plays a variety ofnroles depending on the needs of a particular organisation.

He acts as a link between management and labour. He also solves problems relating to human relations. He is an advisor than a decision maker. He is to advise and guide the performance of personnel function.

Qualities of a Personnel Manager

One important member of management team is a Personnel manager. As the technology has advanced, his role has become challenging. He is required to have special knowledge of his area. Besides, the knowledge of logic, mathematics, sociology and management should also be known to him. He will be helped if he understands human nature, use of limited resources and leadership.

The following qualities should be possessed by a
successful personnel manager –

1. Leadership-leadership qualities are essential in a personnel manager. He should be ready to face opposition. He should be able to speak fearlessly. Ability to win confidence of employees is also included in Leadership.

2. Communication Skill-Besides having a command over language, a leader should be able to express correctly. It is required of the Personnel manager to explain policy and programmes in a effective way.

3. Social Responsibility-A part of the society is an
organization. It is responsible for various groups like shareholders, customers, workers, suppliers and government. In order to help the organisation to discharge all responsibilities the personnel manager should also have a sense of social responsibility.

4. Training and Experience- A human resource manager should be trained. He is helped in becoming a successful manager by the experience in an organization.

5. Courtesy- people of all grades and ranks are spoken to by the Human resource manager. Trade union leaders and members of Board of Directors also hold discussions with him. That he should have courtesy and social awareness is essential for this.

6. Personal Dignity-workers are dealt with by the
Personnel manager yet he is not one of them. His is smaller than his job.

Knowledge of various fields like sociology, management, philosophy, economics and law should be available with an HRM. Technical and administrative skills are required by him.

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