Requirement Managment

Process of Interview

Process of Interview

The interviewer should adopt, the following process/steps for the effective interviewing of candidates:

1. Preparation for the interview: There must be some sort of planning before the interviews are held, certain preparations are required for all types of interviews, whether scheduled or unscheduled. The preparation for the interview needs the following considerations:

(a)Determining the specific objective of the in-
terview. The interviewers must decide in advance the specific trait of the candidates to be accorded top priority. These traits are character, socials adjustment, attitude, power of communication and capacity for growth and advancement.

(b) Determining the method for accomplishing
the objectives of the interview. The interviewers have to make a decision between guided and unguided approach, between standard rating and less systematic evaluation, and between taking notes and memory so that intelligent selection of the employees can be made.

2. Setting of the interview: Effective interviewing
requires that there should be well planned setting for the smooth conducting of the interview. There are following two types of setting:

(a) Physical setting – There should not be many
interruptions by telephones, visitors or personal secretaries etc. during the process of interview. These hindrances disturb the privacy of the interview and reduce the status of the candidates.

(b)Mental selling. The interviewer should try to
establish harmonious rapport with the candidate. There should be idle conversation before serious interviewing of the candidate. It will enable the evaluation of the non-verbal behaviour of the applicant.

3. Conduct of the interview: The interview should be conducted smoothly and systematically. The smooth and effective conduct of the interview requires the following from the interviews.

(a) Demonstrating liking for the candidates-
Liking for the people must be made the fundamental philosophy of interviewing. In order to understand the candidate the most, the congenial atmosphere should be maintained, so that the candidate may open and reveal his worth.Liking for the people should not be taken as rule for the interview but it should be preferably followed.

(b)Encouraging the candidate to talk – The selection of the types of questions and the manner for asking these questions should encourage and engage the candidate. It will enable the interviewer to understand the nature,attitude and personality of the candidate.

(c) Listening attentively – The interviewer must
pay full attention to the candidate. Marginal listening is an insult to the candidate.

4. Close up of the interview: It is the responsibility
of an intelligent interviewer to have smooth close of the”interview. The conversation must come to an end systematically. The candidate must have an indication that the interview is going to close up and he may have a pleasant exit.

The interview must indicate the future action likely to be happening. The candidate should not be left hanging in the air. It does not mean that he should be told about the result, then and there but he must at least be informed the future steps to be taken to inform the result of the interview.

5. Evaluation of the interview: At the end of the
interview, candidates must be evaluated on the basis of notes taken during the interview, because details about the candidates are fresh in mind. If notes have not been prepared during the interview, it should be made now. In case of structured interview entries in rating sheet must be completed. It is always better to reach some sort of decisions at the same time.

Interviewer must be sincere and honest. He should be impartial. He must have scientific approach towards the selection of the candidate and must make judicious selection of the most suitable candidate for the job for which interview is held. The selection must be objective, free from bias, influences and emotions.

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