Requirement Managment

Methods of job Training

The process of training has been in practice Since
ancient days. The training in olden days was imparted by master artists, known as ‘Guru’ or ‘Ustad’. The trainee had to live with ‘Gurus’ and learn the job with him but now, due to the change in the social structure, the following methods of training are adopted:

On the Job Training

Methods of traning

(a) Vestibule training
(b) Coaching -training by supervisors
(c) Apprenticeship training
(d) Orientation/induction training
(e) Under study training
(f) Job rotation training
(g) Assistance to training method
(h) Teaching machine method

I. On the Job Training

This is the method of training, where workers learn by doing. Workers are placed on the job. They work under the guidance and supervision of supervisors or certain experienced employees. They carry out there orders and instructions and follow the technique of operations advised by them. In this way, they are able to learn the work practically. Problems faced by worker are immediately tackled;doubts if any removed and effective leadership offered. In this way, he goes on learning step-by-step by doing practically his job and reaches mastery level.

1. Vestibule Training

Workers are trained in the special separate part of the organization on specific job. The training is imparted by specialized and experienced experts. The learner gets both theoretical and practical knowledge. After the successful jobs in the factory.

performance of the training, workers are placed on similar

Advantages of Vestibule Training

(i) Organized training: The training is imparted in an organized way with set programmes of theory and practical experts in the field; therefore the worker gets proficiency

(ii) Efficient training: The training is imparted by
the work.

(iii) No misuse of machines and equipments: Training arrangement is made at separate place from the producequipments does not arise.

tion department, so the question of misusing tools and

(iv) Continuous production: Actual production is not disturbed by the presence of trainees, so production and training goes on continuously.

Demerits of Vestibule Training

(i) Use of old machines – Machines, tools and
equipments used in the training center are generally old and out of date. The workers have to operate different types of up-to-date machines in the factory, therefore, training on old machines has no relevance with the new ones.

(ii) More expensive – A separate arrangement of training center makes training more expensive.

(iii) Not identical situations- The situations of the
separate training center and the real situations of the work in the organization are not identical.

(2) Coaching Training by Supervisor The new employee is trained by the supervisor, who familiarizes him with the ins and cuts of the work and techniques of operating equipments etc. The supervisor guides and instructs the employee, whenever needed. The employee has also opportunity of removing doubts.

The method develops good relationship between
worker and supervisor. The method proves to be ineffective, if the supervisor is incompetent and does not lake interest in the training.

(3) Apprenticeship Training

In order to achieve mastery level learning, the trainee should be kept under the guidance and supervision of experienced experts in the field for longer periods. The method familiarizes with the complications of the job.

This is the older method of training and is still prevalent in the construction works. Plumbers, machinmen and mechanics are its examples. It is a common practice to refer candidates from technical institutes to reputed ventures to have an apprentice training for about six months.

In India apprenticeship training is governed by Apprenticeship Act, 1961. According to this act, a contract must be signed between the enterprise and the trainee regarding apprenticeship. A copy of the contract must be registered with Apprenticeship authorities.

The maximum period of the contract is five years.

Advantages of Apprenticeship Training

(i) Remuneration with training: The apprenticeship trainee gets remuneration, while he is in the training. This may be in the form of wages, salary or stipend.

(ii) Extensive training: The trainee receives mastery level learning under the guidance of technical experts for longer period.

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