Making Human Resource Planning Effective

The following steps may be taken to make the human resource planning effective –
1. Proper Organisation of Human Resource Func-
tions The human resource planning functions should be well organised. A separate cell, section, division or committee may be constituted within the human resource department to provide adequate focus and to coordinate the planning efforts at various levels.
2. Support from the Top – Top management must support and be committed to the human resource planning. Before starting any human resource planning process, top management must be consulted and its commitment should be ensured. Moreover, the exercise should be carried outbwithin budget allocation. Other restraints should also be considered in detail. It is really useless to formulate plans which cannot be implemented due to financial and other supports from the management.
3. Participation – For the successful human resource planning, active participation of operative executives is required. If possible, trade union support should be sought. Such participation will keep to improve understanding of the process and thereby reduce resistance.
4. Information System – A systematic information
tate the human resource planning.
system or data base should be developed in order to facilitate the human resources planning
5. Tailor made – Human resource plans should be
balanced with corporate plans of the enterprise. The method and techniques of human resource planning should commensurate with the corporate objectives, strategies and environment.
6.should be equally stressed. The stress in filling future vacancies should be to recruit right people to right job or other than to match the existing staff with existing jobs.Promotion of existing staff should be considered carefully.
Nature of Human Resource/ Manpower Planning
Following is the nature of man power planning:
1. Concerning to needs. Manpower planning aims at ascertaining the manpower needs of the organisation both in number and kind.
2. Concerning to Inventory. It presents an inventory of existing manpower of the organisation. An analysis ofnthe inventory of manpower helps in ascertaining the status of the available personnel and to discover untapped talent presently available with the organisation.
3. Concerning to proper balance between demandnand supply. It helps in determining the shortfall (or surplus) of manpower by comparing the total manpower needs with the present supply of manpower. It also helps in projecting future manpower needs.
4. Concerning to enterprise programmes. It is concerned with the initiation of various organisation programmes depending upon the demand and supply of human resources. If the future needs exteed presently available talent, this gap becomes the basis for a programme of employment and training. And, if the presently available talent exceeds the future needs, this difference may become the basis for a programme of retirements, discharge, etc.
5. Concerning to Human Resource Development.
Effective manpower planning must encompass the acquisition, utilisation, improvement, and preservation of the organisation’s human resources.