managment planning

Long-term Human Resource Planning –

There are two objectives behind long-term human
resource planning –

1. To create such a condition in the organization in future where there is perfect accordance between all posts and all post – holders.

2. To make prior arrangements for suitable employees for vacancies that may arise in future.
The necessary things to be taken care of for long
term human resource planning are –

(a) Projecting Manpower Requirements – Int
step of long term human resource planning it is necessary to project the human power requirements in the organization in future. With time the commercial situations keep changing and this has its effects on the organizational structure of the enterprise. With the development in the activities of the enterprise need for new human resources arises. Thenrequirement of this new human resource has to be projected and arranged for.

(b) Matching people with Requirements: In the
second stage of long term human resource planning information is sought regarding how far is the present resource in accordance with the future human resource? Under this the capabilities of the important post holders arenevaluated. Along with the names of the important officers the capabilities of even those young officers are mentioned who have the capability of becoming competent managers after having trained at the various posts of the organization in the coming years. After this a correlation between the personal capabilities needed for future posts and the presently available employees is established. For establishing such a relation the capabilities are categorized in the following manner –

Future qualifications which are similar to the present ones.

Qualifications for which the qualifications of the
present employees need to be changed.

Qualifications of the new kinds.

Qualifications to be obtained due to the
retirement of the existing employees.

With this categorization it can be assessed that how far is the existing man power suitable to meet the needs of the future, what changes need to be necessarily made in its qualifications and what type of and how many new employees will be needed.

(c) Planning of Individual Development – in this step planning is done for the individual development of the existing employees. After it is established that which employee will be capable of holding which post in future his shortcomings for future requirements are determined. These shortcomings are marked in the Gap – sheet. On the basis of this the relation between the promoted employee and the future tasks is established. Besides this for new jobs or for the posts getting vacant due to retirement, if there isn’t enough time available for preparing people from the existing staff then temporary appointments or permanent new appointments can be made. Many enterprises train more than one person for future posts and promote the best out of them. But this method gives rise to discontent until and unless the employees have full faith in impartiality of the management.

It is necessary to review the long term planning after a certain time limit. Long term plans are filled with uncertainties and the circumstances in the organization keep changing. Thus correction in plans also becomes necessary.

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