Requirement Managment

job Selection Test

Workers are the soul of the organization. As they are essential, active and sensitive factor of production, the venture should take its utmost care in making their appointment. Efficient, competent and intelligent workers are no
doubt, the asset of the organization, but at the same time inefficient, careless and incompetent employees are the liability, therefore, the organization should examine and test
the candidates thoroughly before making their appointment.

The following tests can be administered:

1.General Tests

a.Written Test

b.Trade Test

c.Medical Test

d.On the Job Test.

2.Psychological Tests

a.Achievement Test

b.Dexterity Test

c.Intelligence Test

d.Personality, Character or Attitude Test

e.Interest Test

f.Movement Test

g.Aptitude Test

h.Situational Test

e.Motivation Test

1. General Tests

(i) Written Test – This test measures the efficiency of the candidate regarding his language, vocabulary, style and method of presenting his view.

(ii) Trade Test – Measures proficiently in the specific work or on a particular machine and equipment. This test is more useful in the appointment of typists, stenographers,telephone operators and drivers etc.

(iii) Medical Test – Measures physical soundness of the candidate and determines his suitability for the specific job.

(iv) On the Job Test – The candidate is placed on job and his proficiency in the work is evaluated by departmental heads.

2. Psychological Tests

These tests measure the intelligence, maturity and mental alertness.

According to Burtt, “The main object of the psychological testing is to provide a device for measuring quantitatively a typical sample of mental performance in order to predict, what an individual will do under certain circumstances.”

The following psychological tests are administered:

(a)Achievement Test – This test measures the
knowledge and proficiency of the candidate, already achieved in the field.

(b)Dexterity Test. It measures, how effectively
and quickly a candidate uses his hands and fingers in the performance of the job.

(c) Intelligence Test – This test measures com-
petence of the individual in quick decision making, effective, leadership and capability of adjustment with situations.

(d) Personality, Character or Attitude Test-
These tests measure non-intellectual traits of a candidate such as adjustment with others or ability to motivate properly. Personality test is used to measure the courage, cowardice, initiative, temper, likes and dislikes etc.

(e)Interest Test – This measures interest of the
candidate on a particular job. After the administration of the test, it becomes easy to assign work to each candidate for which he is most suited.

(f) Movement Test – This test measures the speed and the precision in the movement of a candidate.

(g) Aptitude Test – The test is used to measure
the inclination and aptitude of the candidate in the work,being assigned to him.

(h) Situational Test – These tests are adminis-
tered to observe and test the stress, responses and reactions of candidate, while working in the real situations of the business. Candidate with the positive responses are selected.

i.Motivation Test- These tests are administered
to assess the interest, and personality of the candidate for the work with reference to the post.

The above tests are administered to discover the extrinsic and intrinsic worth of the candidates. It traces out hidden ability of the candidate. The tests discover the intelligent and non-intelligent traits of the candidate. These tests are administered to make the appointment of the most competent, intelligent and suitable candidates.

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