Human resource Managment

Human Resource Management in Business Organisation

During the past two centuries because of the quick industrial development, a new industrial world with new industrial culture has emerged. According to this, human power has no place according to its importance but physical resources have been given an important place and hencelabour relations have taken a new turn. Everyday new labour problems are raised and the management has to find their solution. Human Resource Management has a place of great importance. According to Peter F. Drucker, “The proper or improper use of the different factors of production depend on the wishes of the human resources. Hence, besides other resources, human resources need more development.Human resources can increase cooperation but it needs proper and efficient management to guide it.”

Some scholars have compared human brain with human resource management. As the brain directs all the parts of the human body and by its illness the best parts of the body become inactive. Likewise an efficient human resource management takes work from the whole personnel and gains the objective. Lawrence A. Appley has stressed that if management agrees to this truth that management means the development of the personnel and pay attention to the development of human resources properly, many problems relating to management will be solved in itself and many difficulties will not arise. R. M. Aldrich calls the personnel or human resource management as the nervous system i.e., an integral part of the process of management itself. Importance of personnel management is in reality the

importance of labour functions of personnel departmentnwhich are indispensable to the management activity itself.

Because of the following reasons human resource management holds a place of importance.

1.It helps management in the preparation, adoption and continuing evolution of personnel programmes and policies.

2.It supplies skilled workers through scientific selection process.

3.It ensures maximum benefit out of the expenditure on training and development and appreciates the human asset.

4.It prepares workers according to the changing needsbof industry and environment.

5.It motivates workers and upgrades them so as to enable them to accomplish the organisation goals.

9.Through innovation and experimentation in the field of personnel, it helps in reducing costs and helps in increasing productivity.

7.It contributes a lot in restoring the industrial harmony and healthy employer-employee relations.

8.It establishes mechanism for the administration of personnel services that are delegated to the personnel department.

Thus, the role of human resource management or. personnel department is very important in an organisation and it should not be undermined especially in large scale enterprises. It is the key to the whole organisation and related to all other activities of the management i.e. marketing, production, finance etc.

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