Human resource Managment

Essential qualifications of a personnel manager

A successful personnel manager should possess all the qualities of a manager and in addition he must also possess the following qualities:

(1) Enthusiasm, Patience, Timing and Judgement. He should be able to enthuse the persons working under him. He should be able to take decisions at the appropriate time. At times of difficulties he should be able to have sufficient patience. He should have a clear understanding of the needs and methods of motivation.

(2) Liason with other departments. He should have a close and intimate liason with other departments. The liason work may include meeting his collegues from time to time to understand their difficulties and various problems, their reactions to the selected candidates. It is only in this way that the motivation can be increased by sound personnel policy which should not be rigid but undergo a change from time to time according to the circumstances.

(3) Thinking objectively. He should have clear thinking about the objectives of his work. For this purpose, he should be able to carry programmes of training his own staff. Instead of centralisation of duties, authorities should be delegated to others to increase the efficiency of the personnel and the work.

(4) Loyalty towards company. He should be faithful the company and its basic policies. Even when he does not agree to any particular policy which has been imposed on him he should carry on like a disciplned soldier expressing his disagreement and his point of view to his superiors in mild terms.

(5) Sympathetic. A good personnel manager has the quality of being very sympathetic towards all
persons who serve under him. It does not mean any leniency in executing routine work and following the directions in day to day work.

In addition, the other important qualities that a personnel manager should possess are as follows:

(1)he should have a mind with a capacity for creative thinking;

2.He should know problem-solving techniques and should have an ability to inspire, motivate and direct employees;

3.He should have personal integrity so that employees may have confidence in him;

4.He should have well-groomed personality, and sophisticated taste and habits;

5.He should have an ability to generate trust among his colleagues;

6.He should have capacity to express his ideas with readiness and fluency;

7.He should have all the qualities of a good leader;

8.He should have such ability to create recognition for himself;

9.He should be capable enough of handling serious personnel matters, whenever necessary;

10.He should be ready to co-operate his subordinates in times of difficulty.

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