Requirement Managment

Types job selection Test

Types of Test

Now a days, psychological tests are used in organisations for selection, placement, transfer and promotion of employees. The test programme is effective when the number of applicants are large.

The tests are used when the students want to get
admission in any institution. Similarity, test can also be used for taking decisions about placement, promotion, transfer and training of employees. The tests are based on the assumption that no two individuals are equal in personality and intelligence. Their nature and psychology is measured through tests. The purpose of this test is to judge the ability of a candidate in a given situation.

Characteristics of Tests

Tests usually possess the following characteristics:

1.The use of tests is based on the assumption that no two persons are equal so far as intelligence, skills,aptitudes personality are concerned.

2.A test measures a person’s ability as a criterion of job success.

3.A test is reliable in the sense that it yields the same score throughout a series of measurements.

4.A test is used as an additional factor in selection procedure and should not be used as the sole basis for selecting a candidate.


1.Psychological test can judge the success of a candidate on job.

2.They help to test talent of a person which is otherwise over looked:

3.They help in reducing possiblity of wrong decisions in the selection process.

4.A large number of persons can be evaluated throughone test and information can be received in a short period of time.

Precautions in using Tests

1. Reliable- The tests should be used only if it is
reliable. A test can be said reliable if it gives the expected results. If the results of two different tests are similar which are obtained by the same person, it can be said to be reliable. Several methods can be applied to judge reliability.

Psychological tests are used for several purposes.The test can be successful if they can select best candidates for the organisation. When these tests are applied, the following guidelines should be observed

2. Valid-Validity means the test measures what it is expected to measure. For example, if a test is applied to know the performance of the workers and test really measures it, then we can say that the test is valid. It should give the results with a reasonable accuracy.

3. Standard- The test must be standardized so that it can become comparable. In other words, the tests should be applied in standard conditions so that they may help in selecting right person.

4. Other points- Apart from the above, following
points must be considered while using tests.

1.Tests should be designed by experienced persons.

2.Proper weightage should be given to the important factors.

3.Test should be used as supplements rather than an alone basis.

4.Each organisation is unique in its needs and circumstances. Therefore, validity of test should be checked before use.

Purpose of Selection

The purpose of selection is to pick up the most suitable candidate who would meet the requirements of the job and the organization. best, to find out which job applicant will be successful, if hired. To meet this goal, the company obtains and assesses information about the applicants in terms of age, qualifications, skills, experience, etc. The needs of the job are matched with the profile of candidates. The most suitable person is then picked up after eliminating the unsuitable applicants through successive stages of selection process. How well an employee is matched to a job is very important because it directly affects the amount and quality of employee’s work. Any mismatch in this regard can cost an organization a great deal of money, time and trouble, especially, in terms of training and operating costs.In course of time the employee may find the job distasteful and leave in frustration. He may even circulate ‘hot news’ and juicy bits of negative information about the company causing incalculable harm in the long run. Effective selection, therefore, demands constant monitoring.

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